Monday, June 30, 2014

does my Bottom Line look big in this?

Does my bottom line look big in this?
Primark/Penneys will use social media and their own customers to help launch their first US store next year.  ‘Primania’ is Primark’s social media site which is “owned by Primark customers”, where, amongst other things, they can upload photos of how they are wearing the retailer’s looks.  ‘FashionFinder’ is the ASOS version and their editorial director says that “young women are on social media every 30 seconds.”  This article also refers to how other retailers are using social media and traditional publishing to extend their reach.

How Walmart responded to critical NYT article
Responding to a critical piece in the New York Times, Walmart’s Vice President of Corporate Communications wrote a sarcastic blog as if he were ‘correcting’ a first draft of the article.  On the plus side this got a lot of media coverage but while Walmart might get away with this approach (as they’re such a large force in the US), I certainly wouldn’t recommend it for others. As this article states, a letter correcting the facts would probably have been published in the NYT - and a client should also, of course, post the correction on their website and in a blog.  The tone of the blog can be more tongue-in-cheek if desired.

How to use Instagram for your business
Are you, like me, still grappling with how best to use Instagram for your business?  Or even trying to decide if we should?  This is a good article on how all businesses can use the very influential social media site - use story-telling, profile the people behind the business and keep product info to a minimum – apply the 40/40/20 rule advises creative agency, The Company of Huskies in this good article…

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Instagram ads coming to Ireland? B2B social media tips & Business Travellers - insight

Instagram ads – coming to Ireland?
Apparently Instagram ads are crossing the Atlantic soon but to date, they’ve been reserved for the big brands with the big budgets – this post suggests 4 steps to get maximum impact on Instagram at a fraction of the cost. 1) Ask yourself why you are on Instagram? 2) Be visually compelling 3) Use relevant hashtags and 4) Make user-generated content worthwhile

B2B – 7 Tips on better social media
“Many of us in B2B – especially in professional services are having a tough time getting to grips with social media in a really meaningful way” – so says Heidi Taylor, Director of Public Sector Marketing at PwC – here she offers 7 tips on how B2B can do social media better: Listen; Don’t push; Add value; Respond; Be Visible & patient; Quality and Measure & Evaluate – but do it yourself.

Business Travellers
Continuing their great series, “Insights of the Week”, and Kantar this week looked at business travellers and state that a mixed media campaign - comprising cinema and outdoor - would be very effective in reaching them. 41% of these travellers are more likely to be in the AB category and they are 34% more likely to shop online.

Monday, June 9, 2014

England World Cup Team's "Mind Mechanic", Marketing to Men, Singletons v Couples .....

England Football Team’s “Mind Mechanic”
Steve Peters – also known as the “Mind Mechanic” - is working with the England World Cup team - so let’s see how that goes for him over the next four weeks!  Author of “The Chimp Paradox”, he says that we need to manager our ‘inner chimp’ – the part of our brain that deals with emotions and gut instincts.  While these are great for basic survival instincts, we need a plan to manage them.  Steve deals with 4 separate areas when working with businesses – or teams: Individuals & their emotions; Managing other people; Communications and the Culture of the organisation.

Marketing to Men
Millward Brown recently hosted what sounds like a really interesting seminar on how to market to men – a very under-researched area, they say.  So they set about redressing this with research spanning several months and presented their findings at the seminar.  There is widespread frustration and even anger with the way males are depicted in advertising and they recommend that successful advertising includes: always ensuring that the portrayal of men is sympathetic and humorous; not worrying about alienating women and acknowledging that men are crying out for social justice to behave bigger, better and bolder.  Anyone marketing to men would want to get a hold of this research.

Singletons v Couples
This is another good TGI insight featured on  on the different lifestyles of singletons versus couples.  Starting with a quote from Oscar Wilde - "one should always be in love and that is the reason one should never marry", they move on to tell us that 32% of Irish adults are single while 58% are married or in a couple.  One of the more interesting stats for me was that 74% of those in a couple donated to a charity in the past year while only 58% of singletons did.  More here…..

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

5 creative uses of Snapchat, how to target Culture Vultures & more.......

5x Creative Uses of Snapchat
Examples from WWF (World Wildlife Fund), NBA (National Basketball Association), GrubHub (an online food ordering company), Audi and cosmetics company, NARS on how to use Snapchat to reach your target audiences.  While this is a US-focused article, good ideas are universal!

How to target Culture Vultures
Another interesting piece from and Kantar Media – museum visitors are more likely to ‘holiday off the beaten track’ and more likely to see bus stop advertising – while Dublin Zoo visitors are more likely to use ‘on demand’ TV, to buy brands their kids prefer and to go to animation movies.

George Hook interviews young entrepreneurs
Last Thursday, on the “Kickstart your Business” slot on Newstalk, George Hook and Ger Tannam of Islandbridge Brand Development spoke to two schoolchildren from Griffith College Multidenominational School,  South Circular Road, Dublin about their new business, the “Health Pack”.  Louis Rosney and Eduardo Nestor, representing their class, told George how the Pack is aimed at countering obesity and they developed it for the “Biz Factor” final a few weeks ago.
The Health Pack contains lesson plans, a website subscription, recipe cards, seeds, a seasonal planting calendar and much more. They will generate revenue by selling the packs - for a class of 30, the Packs would cost between 90 and 100 euro. The children secured agreement with Bank of Ireland for a €500 loan.  Biz Factor is organised by Bizworld Ireland, which takes entrepreneurship into the classroom and this is their annual awards programme.  Bizworld won the 2014 David Manley Emerging Social Entrepreneur Award – disclosure - I’ve worked with both DMA and with Bizworld!